Elephant Design Co., Ltd.

On occasion, what we really want is not readily sold. Cuusoo.com (http://www.cuusoo.com) comes to your help at that point. It is a website run by elephant design where anybody can post their wishes and individual needs. Designers across the country gather around these “voices” to submit more concrete ideas on how to realize these wishes or needs, which are then discussed in more detail by supporting user communities. Manufacturers and sellers step up, and user ideas gradually turn into real products. The most important thing is to extract the true wishes and perspectives of both the customers and the producer. In order to do this, elephant design has been enthusiastic from its inception to maintain a system where the relationship between the two sides is very close.

CaseElephant Design Co., Ltd.Retrieved Year2011年12月AuthorYuko KinoshitaRetrieved DepartmentGraduate School of Media and Governance, Keio UniversityCopyrightKeio University / Yuko Kinoshita

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